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Application: Application: Low Pressure Drip Sprinkler
Requirements: Low cost to performance ratio
Good chemical resistance
Dimensional stability
Toughness and durability
Recommendation: PLASCO PPF 600
Polypropylene + 30% Glass Fibers
Solution: The addition of 30% glass fibers to Polypropylene offers excellent cost to performance.

At about half the cost of Nylons, PPF 600 offers toughness, durability, and more than acceptable dimensional control.

The molder liked the fact that PPF 600 did not require pre-drying and processed at lower temperatures and at faster cycles than both Nylon and Acetal.

Polypropylene's chemical resistance proved superior to all other tested resins for this application.

The glass fibers also offered an improvement in water abrasion resistance. The small orifice holes lasted longer in PPF 600 than any other compound tested.

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